How to Design a Classroom that Encourages Learning and Looks Amazing

It is that time of the year: the kids are going back to school and the teachers are setting up the classrooms to make sure everything is ready for their arrival. This task can be exciting but also a little bit terrifying, especially if it’s your first classroom to set up. Sure, you need it to be organized and stimulating, but you also want it to look perfect. Whether you are designing your classroom for the very first time or looking for new ideas for your old classroom, here are a few easy tips to help you on your mission.

#1 Talk to Your Students

What’s a better way to find out what needs to change in the classroom than to ask your students? In the end, they are the end clients of your own little design project. Ask them what in the room helps them learn and what gets in the way, and you might get some truly useful insight.

#2 Make Room

Before you add new things to your classroom, you need to make room for them by getting rid of the old things. If something sits in your classroom for weeks on end without being used, chances are you will do fine without it. Clean out all the clutter that takes up space but serves no purpose to the learning process. It is a good idea to repeat this process every once in a while to keep your classroom both functional and visually attractive.

#3 Play with Seating Options

Let your inner designer have fun with your 30 desks. Arrange them in a new manner or even mix different seating options giving your students an opportunity to choose which one they like better. That will show them that you trust them and they will feel like they own the space.

#4 Create a Collaboration Space

Making your students simply sit there and consume the information you are giving them is so last century. They need to be able to collaborate and practice teamwork to solve problems. Push a few desks together, clear off some counters and give your students space to engage with each other.

#5 Add Writable Spaces

To boost collaboration, even more, give your students writable spaces. How come you have your own board with your words and your posters on it, and your students don’t? Give them their own board or even better, cover an entire wall with a dry-erase wall covering – it will boost collaboration among your students and instantly change the look of your classroom.

#6 Think Colors

When it comes to design, more doesn’t mean better. Choose your color palette and stick to it. Ideally, you should have three colors – one neutral, base color and two accent colors. That way, you will avoid visual noise in your classroom and it will feel more calming and comfortable, helping your students focus.

We hope that our tips will make designing your classroom a fun and inspiring process for you. Do you have anything to add to our list? Let us know in the comments below!

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